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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

you need green energy grid tied systems are for homes and buildings

Simple diagram of electricity grids in North A...Image via Wikipedia

you need green energy lower your electric bills

9. What is a utility grid interconnected system? Utility-connected systems, also called "grid-connected" or "grid-tied" systems, are for homes or commercial buildings that are connected to

an electric utility. They are designed to provide a modest part to all of the

building's total electricity needs. Advances in solar power electronics make it

relatively easy to connect a solar electric system to the utility. Energy

generated by such a system is first used within the home, and surplus power is

"pushed" onto the utility's wires. In many states of the U.S., local utilities

have "net-metering," which allows a homeowner's meter to spin backwards when his

or her electricity is pushed back onto the grid. When this happens, the utility

buys electricity from the homeowner, instead of the other way around! (And the

utility pays the homeowner for the retail value of the electricity. Without

net-metering, the utility would be forced by law to buy electricity from the

homeowner, (an independent producer), at wholesale.) A draw-back of

connecting your PV system to the grid (and using the grid as "storage") is that

when your area suffers a power outage, your PV system automatically shuts off.

(This is done intentionally, in order to protect people working on the lines

from live electricity.) To avoid this problem, many people introduce batteries

to their grid-tied system, which provide power in the event of a utility power


10. How many PV panels do I need for my house? This depends on how much electricity you use in your home, and where your house is located. The average American household uses 600

Kilowatt-hours of electricity per month. However, an energy efficient home may

use only half that. In a sunny climate, a 2 kilowatt PV system can produce 300

kilowatt-hours of electricity per month. (To generate 2 kilowatts of power you

need about 240 square feet of solar panels.) Therefore, the first step in

planning a solar system is reducing electricity consumption. It is always more

cost-effective to invest in energy efficiency than to install a larger PV

system. Planning, mindfulness and some initial investment can result in a

dramatic reduction in electricity use, without sacrificing the comforts to which

we've become accustomed. As SEI alum Cari Spring says in her book When the Light

Goes On: "You don't have to sit in a dark, cold room to save

energy!" you need green energy lower your electric bills  http://wwwswiftshop.shopfast.us/alternative-energy-146

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