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go green amazon

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Photovoltaic cells produce electricity directl...Image via Wikipedia

MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE EARTH GO GREEN TODAY! We need all the free energy we can get .With a little knowledge you can make a world of a start , with a solar panel or any type of green do it yourself product. Start with a energy program that will get you started in the right direction.  http://wwwswiftshop.shopfast.us/alternative-energy-146

1. Photovoltaic (fo-to-vol-ta-ik) systems are solar systems that produce
electricity directly from sunlight. The term "photo" comes from the Greek
"phos," meaning light. "Voltaic" is named for Alessandro Volta (1745-1827), a
pioneer in the study of electricity for whom the term "volt" was named.
Photovoltaics, then, means "light electricity." Photovoltaic systems produce
clean, reliable electricity without consuming any fossil fuels. They are being
used in a wide variety of applications, from providing power for watches,
highway signs, and space stations, to providing for a household's electrical needs.
2. What is the difference between "solar energy" and
"photovoltaics?"Photovoltaics is one form of solar energy. The
term solar energy can refer to something as simple the energy gathered in your parked, sealed car (your solar collector) and converted into heat. Solar energy is often used to heat houses directly through passive means (sun enters window, room warms). Solar energy is also often used to heat water (a solar collector is
mounted in direct sunlight, which warms a heat transfer fluid, which in turn heats the water in your hot water tank).Photovoltaics refers specifically to the practice of converting the sun's energy directly into
electricity using photovoltaic cells. Photovoltaic cells are often referred to
as PV cells or solar cells. http://wwwswiftshop.shopfast.us/alternative-energy-146

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buy green energy save on electricity bills http://wwwswiftshop.shopfast.us/alternative-energy-146

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